Meatball ,IKEA,and PewDiePie was born here... makes it more awesome
Someone :- Sweden?
Also someone:- DUDE! Ask the same question to your furniture.
by Hope it's all over September 14, 2020
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Sweden didn't do any worse on protecting it's elderly than any other country that had locked everything down. Nobody in Sweden should've conceded anything to anybody else, or apologized to anybody for anything. True failure is being afraid to try because people gave you death threats or adversity.
Sweden has no good reason to say they failed on anything or anyone to anybody, since you don't hear countries that locked everything and everyone down with many more excess deaths than Sweden saying they also failed their populations or their elderly. Bullshit, the elderly are more at risk every day already of death. While it's as possible to die young as it is to die of old age, it's also true that every year you live is a year closer to death, and nobody lives forever. It has a lot to do with why so many elderly folks got sick from the virus in the first place.
by Solid Mantis March 25, 2021
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Though Sweden hasn't locked down a year into the pandemic, death rates are still lower than countries that did lock down. It wouldn't be a good idea to change now. Resisting lockdowns is resisting them even when there is opposition within your own country. If you don't remain standing, you will fall for anything.
Sweden shouldn't take a knee or a bow to pressure from other countries or from opposition within their own because they are neutral. They've been standing against lockdowns for a year now, that's too much effort and work to turn into bullshit and throw away by doing what everybody else is doing based on a little pressure from the opposition that wants you to.
by Solid Mantis March 1, 2021
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A country that hasn't locked anything down yet, and still has a lower death rate that some countries that have, even after a year.
What's the point in Sweden locking down now, a year into the pandemic, when their death rate has been consistently lower than some countries that have locked down? No wonder the Swedes are neutral, even if they didn't fuck up at something, they're still going to make their policy what everyone else's policy is because they are outnumbered, rather than show people from other countries that not all countries have to do things the same way, since that would require conflict.
by Solid Mantis February 25, 2021
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A fuck ton of depressed, freezing, musical people with a coffee addiction. Also the country looks like a big ol schlong.
I’m going to Sweden to feel worse. Wanna come?
by holger örn February 2, 2021
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Sweden is a country with idiots, beautiful wimen, wikings and introverts. Every shop in sweden is IKEA. If its not IKEA its not sweden.
dude 1: dude ur such a sweden
dude 2: thanks dude
by Swede14 July 23, 2020
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Sweden is the worst country to ever have existed. everyone from Sweden look identical, so it is really hard to remember who is who. Every time you go there, you throw up from just hearing the awful language. It also has a lot of terrorist attacks, so that's another big red flag. The country is shit and you should never go there. I hope it crumbles in corruption and over inflation. The Swedish krone should be worth even less then it already does. I hope it gets attacked by the rest of the world and that Norway will regain our lost lands.
"Sweden is so shit!"
"I hope Sweden burns to the ground!"
by kulim December 16, 2021
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