To commit suicide by intentionally drowning ones self. Just as the writer/poet Virginia Wolff did.
" I know you're depressed."

" Perhaps a swim will make you feel better". " Just do and go Virginia Wolff yourself"
by Marilyn Harlow May 29, 2019
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Yeah yeah here come more whore and sycophant validated delusions of superiority.
Hym "Oh? YOU'VE been saying it's a religious phenomenon? Fuck this guy! Holy shit! NOTHING would appease you. You just want to waste as much of my time as possible and drag out the inevitable outcome so you can arbitrarily impose your ethos on someone for as long as possible until your decrepit old corpse finally expires. That's all your God is ever going to be. You, doing whatever you want, and then you doing whatever you can to get the people beneath you to do what you want because 'It's not power. It's power that I deserve' OOOOOOOOOH! RIGHT! I forgot. I'm supposed to buy a ticket to one of your shows and then rush the stage and grovel at your feet! Ooooooookay. Alright. I see where you're coming from. I should have groveled at your feet like the other guy. Is that what it looks like to 'humble yourself'? UuUuUuUuUgH daddy Jordan please save me from my miserable existence! UuUuUuUuUgH please I'm so incompetent! UuUuUuUuUgh Women are right not to fuck me! UuUuUuUgh I'm going to go to the dmv right now and become and organ donor. But for women! And then I'll give all my money to Only fans girls because they're right not to fuck me. I should pay them for it. I should pay for the privilege of not being good enough to fuvk them. UuUuUuUuUuUgh it feel so good to be humble! Oooooooooooooooooooh I'm so humble now! This is so much better for everyone! I'm physically on the floor right now. Rolling around in my own filth. It's where I belong!"
by Hym Iam June 15, 2023
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rhetorical question designed to highlight the subject's idiocy, to the point that it's a marvel they are able to even do basic things like dress themselves
person 1: doesn't chocolate milk come from brown cows?

person 2: how do you dress yourself in the morning?
by personman334 September 12, 2023
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a nicer, more polite way of telling someone to gtfo and get lost-in combination and at the same time
Since gtfo by itself is too boorish rude to use, and get lost doesn't cut it anymore because most people have cars, it would probably be more appropriate to use the term drive yourself away; people can drive away from a given situation faster than they can physically 'get lost' by simply walking away.
by Sexydimma January 4, 2014
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When your friend says something stupid and he loses in a verbal fight
Sagid: did you know that chickens lay eggs?
Me: give yourself 2 for dat
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