"A person with an eccentric personality that has used shit loads of narcotics over their life, resulting in a swiss cheese brain effect that lends itself easily to OCD and other psychiatric disorders. Though irritating at times, they can be quite entertaining to those around them, like watching a drunk party clown wetting themselves."
"That bitch is a total Nut Fuck Whack Job!"
by Badass721 March 10, 2010
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The act of a woman laying on her back/shoulders against a bed with her pussy pointing to the ceiling, legs back towards her then the guy grabbing his nuts and inserting them into her pussy.
Depending on the bed and the lady, this may require her to lay on a low stool to ensure her pussy is at the right height
the stool can be used by the guy to hover over her pussy and lower himself.
It's the nicest feeling, (have to be hairless to appreciate it.)
After fisting my subslut, I gave her Mikey's Nut Fuck Sundae, the right nut was slightly painful, but the left nut, slipped in and popped out with ease.
by phred512 November 14, 2017
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Usually said when something would make your life harder to live in, or would make your tasks harder to do
“Bro did you hear, Mr. Tomasulo input our math test grade” “You gotta be fucking my left nut”
by Real Ram October 10, 2019
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When you are about to cum but a family member knocks on your door and fucks up the whole thing
by Orangeboop4455 March 11, 2018
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the caressing and insertion of testicles into the vag. this primarily done with guys who have penis’s too small to actually be used.
hey bro stop nut fuckin my girl!
by NutFucker January 23, 2019
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When you beat the fuck out yo dick, but then the moment you cum you realize you just watched or thought of the worst shit ever and you probably goin to hell now!
Yea my day ain't been goin well, woke up this morning and had a oh fuck nut! Thought of that chubby skank Jessica but then I realized she's a filthy cunt and I shouldn't have touched myself to her
by BryJ December 18, 2018
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