Incorrect useage of the popular phrase (shut up tito), defines the feeling you have toward someone when they say something that, to you, sounds dumb, but in fact is so deep that it makes consious people eat their shorts
Correct useage: shut up tito
I don't get it. I'm also new here. shut up, tito.
by tito December 31, 2005
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A lame shitfull communistic faggot that was once a leader of Yugoslavia. He was a dictator, a tyrant and a mass murderer. No better than Saddam.
josip broz tito was a mass murderer and a communist.
by Backstreet Boys suck October 16, 2007
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Granada fellow who does not give a rat’s arse what anyone’s name means. Except for old Spanish names like Segismundo, Atanasio, Erentrudis.
“I was talking to Tito Paco about the origin of my name and he flipped me.” “oh yes that sounds like him, your name is Jane”
by Username5656 November 25, 2021
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Someone with a very big dick and is great at sex and is also really cute
by Tito Molina January 18, 2018
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Tito todo: Giving it all you got!
Dancing on the stage and grinding on that pole "tito todo" giving it all you got! "Nice & slow" playing ...
by Listodurock909 October 1, 2018
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