A technique from the old country involving the swirl of the tongue around the clitoris while producing an abundance of saliva to create a wet whirlpool tornado like action starting off slowly and gently and ending in an aggressive intense sloppy swirly orgasm. The reason for this technique is to allow the female to get warmed up and lubricated enough for the big Italian Braciola, as well as encourage the female to tell all her friends.
Hey dad I gave my date the old Sicilian Whirlpool last night and now all her friends are direct messaging me”
by UrbanPro411 March 15, 2021
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pistolwhipping? Heard it in a Mikey Cohen documentary and in his autobiography,
didn’t know if anyone knew what it meant.
Mickey cohen and his body guard Frank niccoli went into the E.l. Adobe Cafe and gave Jimmy utley some Sicilian Backhanders.
by ???!?? January 14, 2022
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A girl who’s real name is Sicilian and from Sicily but denies it and says instead that her real name is Cecilia or ‘cici’ (nickname)
Person 1: why is ur friend a ‘Cici The Sicilian’?
Person 2: because she denies her name is Sicilian and says it’s Cecilia
by Dirty Madeline July 28, 2023
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When you (and/or a partner) achieve orgasm with the help of a particular brand of pizza that is known to go both ways. Some of the boxes include a cardboard mustache, too further elevate the experience. Allowing for Role Playing, and the occasional Mustache Ride.
Oh man, last night we had some frozen pizza. We cooked it and were about half way thru eating when my girlfriend and I decided to try a 'Screaming Sicilian'. The couch will never be the same, but it was worth it.
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When a guy wants to get laid with a hot girl and the friend of the guy takes one for the team by fucking the fat friend of the hot girl
That was my hardest sicilian donut in a long time, you own me one next time
by Hidododo October 29, 2021
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Buy an extra greasy extra cheese pizza and make your lover eat the fist slice. When the cheese pulls loose from the crust and slaps her chin, smear your penis in the grease and anoint your lovers face with a true taste of the old country
Jerry stopped over for a night of romance and dinner. We sat down to eat, and I surprised my friend with an Angry Sicilian. The most shocking thing was it was DiGiorno and not delivery.
by Tractorbandit1 October 3, 2016
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