82 definitions by your best idiot

1: a specified amount of time
2: a window of time that a woman experiences agony in their unchartered territory and can last long, usually noticed by blood stains because the vagina is leaking blood

3: ... a dot terminating the sentence
1: there's only a period of time before some strange thing happens
2: Why is there blood coming out of me? i did not cout myself... oh shit... my period... ... ... ...AUGHHHH!!!
by your best idiot April 15, 2010
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The 7 deadly sins are actually common, they're sins 'cuz they kill in large amounts
this is the list
1: Pride - the thought of having the highest position in life
2: Envy - the need to steal the belongings and/or the traits of others
3: Lust - the frequent need for pleasure (sick, huh?)
4: Avarice - the low, but hard, need for large amounts of high-cost objects (rings, diamonds, etc.)
5: Wrath - Occasional bouts of anger to get mood levels within normal bounds
6: Sloth - The highest commom sin: the need to lounge and/or do hobbies
7: Gluttony - the feeling you have a low weight, and you ingest a lot, more than regular. results in diarrhea
a typical man under the effects of the Seven Deadly Sins:
1: I'm the man for this! Step aside!
2: Wait, you do, i'll just watch every second with excruciating detail
3: There any chick's around here?
4: And I won't pay you for this!
6: Do this while i do nothing
7: That's it, i'm raiding the fridge
by your best idiot April 7, 2010
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Means: One hit from a Bong will send you through a massive trip
Dude 1: Some wealthy person gave me a bong and said "One toot on this whistle will send you to a far away land"
Dude 2: did you follow his instructions?
Dude 1: Oh yeah, i went on a MASSIVE trip
by your best idiot April 26, 2010
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Private email so your parents won't look at what the fuck you're doing
Everybody uses Hotmail now
by your best idiot April 18, 2010
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If i met Shigeru Miyamoto, i'd be dazed, confused, and fall on my back

Name could possibly be anglicized as "Gary Meyers"
by your best idiot April 2, 2010
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a disaease that goes straight to your head

Symptoms include:
A strong liking for Iggy Koopa
Constantly rearranging your daily schedule to include Iggy Koopa
Your favourite singer is Jon Bon Jovi because he sounds like Iggy Koopa
The desperate need to find Green Hair Spray
A Love for forests
Going Nuts and/or Crazy
the need to wear thick-ring glasses
Speaking little English and lots of Gibberish
Thinking God is Iggy Koopa
You flood your bedroom with Iggy Koopa paraphenailia
You change your name to Iggy (insert last name here)
Creating Iggyism

Iggy Koopa Syndrome is serious and should be taken seriously, as it can escalate and you start telling people that Iggyism is a religion and start converting people, even the homedogs, to Iggyism
Woman: My child has been suffering from Iggy Koopa syndrome and now he tells me to convert to Iggyism and when i walk into his room, Iggy Koopa related stuff is in there, even cans of green hair spray!
Woman 2: Wow, My child has been suffering from Iggy Koopa syndrome too! except he tells the family to convert to Iggyism! he mowed the grass to look like his head so this "Iggy Koopa" can watch as he prays to him as a GOD!
Woman: Anything we can do?
Man: No, they're gonna live with this until they snap out of it
by your best idiot April 11, 2010
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