39 definitions by yeah

When one talks about himself to a second party as being better than the rest of the population. While it is said to someone else, it is really just intended for the person to hear out loud how "awesome" they are. May be done out of deep-seated insecurity.
Matt: "I am going to be the most awesome lawyer. I am just a really compelling speaker blah blah blah"
Other people later: "Goddamn Matt was verbally masterbating so much there might be chafing."
by yeah April 14, 2003
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The term used to describe Bryan's left nutty
Guess what guys? I Pinched Nutterson again!
by yeah December 3, 2004
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Weed (of any quality) with no seeds.
I smoked some dank; yeah, it was sincemelia.
by yeah January 9, 2005
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Is a school in Hanover NH. A lot of the students smoke pot. Is a well respected school, kids go on to do good things. The kids like most of the teachers. It's nice and stuff. It's near Dartmouth.
Person1: I have to go open up shop.
Person2: Did you go to Hanover?
Person1: Yeah
by yeah December 23, 2004
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