2 definitions by wet fish

another spelling for "jokes", usually used to describe something funny that happened, a prank that was played or a something funny someone did. Usually used when the said person can't think of anything more interesting to say in reply.
Can be used as a substitute for lol.
person 1:i spent my lunchbreak making a photocopy of my head.
person 2 :jox

joker :i'm going to a fancy dress party this weekend
joker: yeh.
reply: jox.

person: i'm bored.
by wet fish June 9, 2006
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A world used to describe a person who has acted in a mean or unfair manner, so that the victim of this treatment is unable to get their own way, therefore resulting in sulking and grumpiness on the part of the said person.
Boy/girl: mandy's invited me to a party on saturday night, please can i go?


Boy/girl :OMG,that's so unfair!Why can't i go?

Mother: BECAUSE!End of conversation.

(secretly hatches plan to sneak out instead...)
by wet fish June 9, 2006
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