2 definitions by we just 2 bitches

The act of fucking ,or doinf sexual activities you dont even have to be a couple :you horny ass motherfuckers
Austin: I got some hanky panky from jessica last night.Bitch was loose asf

Brad: Thats why i always get hanky panky from her sister she's wayyyyyy less loose and Jessica's a nasty hoe
by we just 2 bitches December 11, 2015
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Whore ,slut,skank,hoe,open 24/7 female that spreads her legs for everybody, woman who has many sex partners,in other word ur mom
Girl 1: your mom is open 24/7!!!???
Boy1:yeah cause she's a fucking thot and smells like fish
Girl1: i fucking knew it....bc there's no sewer around us
Boy:yeah sorry bout her stankyness dumbthotty assbitch
by we just 2 bitches December 11, 2015
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