28 definitions by uncle sam

a play on words of lol and old for something thats funny but also old referring to someone posting a link to something that many people already viewed
noob: hey check this link out _____
joe: lold
by uncle sam December 8, 2006
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the commmunity college of the UC system....no spirit, no pride; i usually go to and from this place with an occasional midterm as if its a public restroom

full of retarded professors who probably cant even understand themselves.... some dont even know english

even the parking service is a tool of nazi robbery

aka china town.... cant throw a rock 10 feet without hitting a nonenglish speaking asian
im a biochem major at ucr who doesnt hates biochem

i learned more reading my calc book for an hour than all i learned from attending lectures of a professor who spoke half in chinese

my physics professor only copied down notes verbatim of problem examples in the $150 textbook

my retarded psychology professor failed anyone who missed more than 2 days of lecture but spent this time making corny jokes instead of teaching

fricken taps gave me a parking ticket for having a gold permit in a EMPTY red lot on a fricken saturday
by uncle sam December 5, 2004
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He is an ATNA when it comes asking chicks out for date.
by uncle sam April 23, 2004
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A term used to describe the stereotype of rich people (typically white folks) who run make to their safe communities after doing obligations in less desirable (black dominated, urban) communities based on the cliche of the rich people having the nice homes on the hills while all the poor people are down below.
I bet this guy cant run for the hills fast enough once this is over.
by uncle sam June 30, 2006
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the best show techtv had going for them until faggots at g4 took over. They have taken out the entire original cast and replaced them with complete posers who dont even know technology. But thats ok the now 99% of the show isnt even about technology anymore.
Unless your some faggot fanboy yo would know g4 sux.
by uncle sam December 11, 2004
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One strong enough to be amoral in the name of a greater good such as intimidation or fun.
I am an american nationalist so who cares about Iraq.

Let Iraqi nationalist, not american hippies, worry about the Iraqi people.
by uncle sam October 8, 2003
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a common term used in online video games when one team has a numerical advantage of atleast two extra playersover the other

when "teams" is called out, players should view the number of players for each team and make them even by switching or spectating

however, if a team has only a one man advantage eg, 8v7....it is not appropriate to call out teams
teams, 11v9

why didnt nobody switch and make em even? gg teams

noob: teams!!!!1
player B: its 7 vs 6, you want us to cut a player in half?
by uncle sam May 15, 2004
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