11 definitions by the chocolate elvis

Slang for flaccidity. A chick has to be truly busted to induce "Flacido Domingo." Because as most guys will readily admit - they will pretty much bone anything with a heatbeat.
See that Flacido Domingo at the club dawg? Damn was she busted! I went from FBW to Flacido Domingo in less than a second.
by the chocolate elvis April 25, 2003
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Conigits are little bits (remnants) from food, people, animals, etc...
Damn, Pete left bits all over the couch again. He's not allowed over anymore.
by the chocolate elvis April 25, 2003
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Yo, I was so chinky-eyed last night dawg...then I ate 50 peanut butter cups.
by the chocolate elvis April 25, 2003
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A somewhat recent phrase I believe is originally derived from Hip-Hop pioneers, A Tribe Called Quest - from their song "Bonita Applebum."
by the chocolate elvis December 4, 2003
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Yo, girl was so fine she gave me FBW in church dawg.
by the chocolate elvis April 25, 2003
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