16 definitions by tha malcontent

The Urine that Follows the Digestion of Asparagus.
Damn, I Ate WAY too much of that Asparagus, and I Know I have a Mean Asparapiss Waiting to Greet me Later in the Can.
by tha malcontent May 14, 2008
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The condition that affects most Meth Addicts. It appears as sores and scabs that the addict picks at as the additction worsens.
Damn, did you see the scabbage on Amy's arms?... She needs to lay of the Meth.

meth crank cracker monkey tweak
by tha malcontent August 18, 2012
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Roveophobia: A Condition Marked by a Compulsive Sexual Attraction to Karl Rove, that is Masked by an Abject Hatred of him and Comparisons of him to the Devil and Hitler.
Roveophobia: Far too many DemocRATS and Liberals are Plagued with "Roveophobia", and their Obsession with him, this far out of Office is a Prime Example.
by tha malcontent January 29, 2009
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1.) In Political Debate, an Idiot. It came to me when Debating an especially Irritating Liberal on a message board.

2.) The mess left after vaginal sex.
1.)Are you Ignorant, or simply Dishonest about the Election, fuckpuddle?

2.)Don't forget a towel, I don't want to leave a fuckpuddle on this pool table.
by tha malcontent March 30, 2005
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In Politics, an Intellectually Dishonest person of Low Self-Esteem, usually an Abuser of small animals who likes to Disrupt Mature Debate like an 8 year old girl not getting enough attention.

In Movie Theaters, a Jackass who would walk into an empty Theater and sit Directly in front of you.
PeterGriffin was an Asshateus Maximus until he Conceded and handed the Crown to 7426Karl who had his head lodged to far up PG's Ass too Realize a Concession had come.
by tha malcontent August 3, 2006
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Used to acknowledge a successful criticism or an effective point in an argument, but with a notable hint of bitterness and resentment at being bested.
Lefty: "Yeah, but Clinton wasn't removed from Office..."

Righty: "Douché!"
by tha malcontent February 22, 2011
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A place in Cyberspace where Loonies Converge to Masturbate Mentally and to no End.
There was all kinds of Pointless Babbling going on, and it Seemed to have be as Endless as it was Clinically Insane... It was Totally Rickalodeon.
by tha malcontent January 29, 2008
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