10 definitions by supersleepykouhai

The theory of earth being shaped like a dinosaur. Countless theories exist of why it is like that, some explaining that the velociraptors reshaped earth, the meteorite that killed the dinosaur reshaped it or that Waluigi created it as a dinosaur.
George, I find it ridiculous that you think the earth isn't flat.
Well Mike, I think the flat earth theory is stupid which is why I believe in the Dinosaur Earth theory which is way more realistic
by supersleepykouhai June 12, 2019
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A group of weirdos that think the earth is an edible object commonly made by putting objects like for example cheese, ham and tomatoes between two slices of bread, known as a sandwich.
The Dinosaur Earth Society was here, the Sandwich Earth Society can take an L
by supersleepykouhai June 12, 2019
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A fake theory about earth being shaped like a dodecahedron.
Dinosaur Earth is a better alternative
Dodecahedron Earth is gay, Dinosaur Earth is better.
by supersleepykouhai June 12, 2019
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