38 definitions by stef

used to interrupt. kinda like "shut-up". usually used with the "hand in the face".
kate: i know you ain't....
(while kate's talking) jen: "pssht"
by stef December 10, 2004
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the smalls things in life, pointless things
instead of saying, "don't sweat the small stuff"

don't worry about the gribble-grabble
oh, that's just gribble-grabble, move on!
by stef August 27, 2004
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A Snackpirate is a member of the International Snackpirates Group... we live in Stroketopia, and are for peace, love, and general piraticalness, and against Avril Lavigne, corporate scum, and ignorance.
We're the Snackpirates. Arrr!
by stef January 8, 2004
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what i call my children.
dem chillins are 'sleep.
by stef December 10, 2004
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A tremendously talented shape-shifting album by Beck. Odelay also means... well, I can't tell you THAT.
Odelay, odelay, just passin' through...
by stef January 8, 2004
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in europe we have four by four but in the US they have six by six
by stef June 14, 2004
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when someone steals an idea from you or likes something you have
"Yo, man, you totally sweat me!"
by stef October 25, 2003
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