18 definitions by spot

Said when somebody can't stand you but wants to say something nice. When they can't find something specific to compliment, they say they like you as a whole instead. weak.
If a woman says "I like you for who you are", donkey punch her sorry ass.
by spot May 27, 2004
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After recieving oral sex, you jiz in the girls eye, punch her in the mouth, and kick out her leg. Then she proceeds to jump around on one leg, holding her eye going Arrgh Arrgh
I just gave it to that girl, pirate style.
by spot March 10, 2004
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A citizen of any state whose electoral votes went to a republican in tbe last election. So-called because of network news' electoral maps. Interestingly, the populations in red states have lower than average IQs, lower than average earnings, underfunded public schools, higher rates of poverty, homelessness, disease and crime; and every "red state" in the country recieves more federal funding than it pays (read:welfare).
Red staters are easy to spot. They drive 30 miles to Wal Mart to save .08 on a jar of mustard. That is, when they're not burning a cross on their neighbor's yard because he didn't go to church this week; or beating up n*ggers, gays or jews. They believe they're God's chosen even though they're lucky if they make more than $6.00/hour working the drive through at Hardee's.
by spot December 14, 2004
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A regular court with extra chopped tomatoes and sour cream on top.
"I'd like a Supreme court and a large Mountiam Dew, please."
by spot December 1, 2004
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The waffle-shaped bottom of a Red Wing (or other) workboot.
Don't make me put this size 13 waffle on your neck!
by spot May 5, 2004
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To someone living in Canada, North Mexico.
Oh look honey, some skinny-bacon loving North Mexicans from Indiana.
by spot August 23, 2004
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A pointless, costly, unwinnable war in the desert in 2003 that largely resembles another pointless, costly, unwinnable war in the jungle in 1969.
I'm so glad that the "shock and awe" tactics worked, and that we actually found the WMD's. I was worried that it would turn into Iraqinam!
by spot May 19, 2004
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