49 definitions by rzhhhh

The Boy

1) The way Homer Simpson refers to his son Bart as Bart is the only male child in the immediate family.
One may refer to any male child in a family as The Boy providing they are the only male child.
Doing so may seem a little insensitive so it is best avoided.

2) A person (male or female) who is "it". The best at whatever they are doing or just generally higher up than anyone else.
A person may believe they are The Boy when in fact they just frontin and are better described as The Bitch.
Psychiatrist: Homer, what do you see when you look at this card?
Homer: THE BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marge: If you just talk to him without mentioning our son Bart
Psychiatrist: You mean there really is a "Bart" ?!

Look at that guy over there just merkin everyone, he's the boy

Do you think you're the fuckin boy?

Rippee: I'm the boy me
by rzhhhh July 20, 2013
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The Paint

Basketball slang referring to the key.
Most likely to be used when playing street ball

Lots of bitch ass niggas, like Waka Flocka Flames, like to think that they "go hard" in the paint, when in reality; they do not.
I go hard in da paint, leave you stankin', what the fuck you thankin'
- Waka Flocka

LeBron James goes hard in the paint
by rzhhhh November 4, 2011
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Air Strike

1. Internet terminology.
One step up from man the harpoons.
Used when a fat chick (usually referred to as a whale) posts her picture.
If the woman is large enough, one can step the strike up to a new level: Nuclear Strike, MOAB, FOAB or other Thermobaric weapon.
Also has part of it's meaning shared with the military definition.
If you believe you are funny enough, you may apply the term in real life where you may see many fat chicks or in other real life situations.

2. Military terminology
A military strike delivered by the Air Force.
Target is usually a suspected or confirmed enemy ground position.
Or in the case of definition 1. A fat chick too large for the harpoons.
Delivery of the strike is usually from aircraft such as bombers, ground attack aircraft, strike fighters or helicopters.
Weapons used during a strike can range from machine gun fire to missiles to bombs.
Air Strikes are sometimes initiated in strategic bombings, but the term generally refers to tactical intervention by airpower on the battlefield.
If necessary (eg: degree of military situation or the woman in definition 1. is exceedingly obese) an Air Strike can be followed up by an artillery, infantry or armour assault.

A: Whoa! Get a load of that fucking whale man!!!1
A: Screw the harpoons dawg, I'm calling in an Air Strike
B: Good call mang, that B2 Spirit will make short work of that fat bitch!

e.g 1. As in Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

USAF Master Sergeant Epps: I hope those F-14's got good aim...
Major Lennox: ...why?
USAF Master Sergeant Epps: I told them to hit the orange smoke...

Lennox proceeds to facepalm upon realizing they are virtually stood on the orange smoke as Epps makes an excuse about it being a bad throw, when in reality he throws like a girl.

e.g 2.
Operator: Enemy position verified
Field Marshal: Call in the A-10's, it's time to light em up
by rzhhhh August 25, 2009
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Assence - noun

Any type of odour that contains distinct noticeable characteristics which indicate that the smell originated from the rear end of a person or animal.
The severity of the odour can be of any degree.

"Assence" is formed by merging the words "Ass" and "Essence".

An assence may be the result of: flatulence be it post coital or otherwise, a Rippee, excretion, dogs, pigs or other dirty animals etc....
1: Remember that super hot chick from the dress shop? We had the most amazing date ever last night.
2: And?
1: We get back to her place and had the best sex I have ever had in my entire life, like intergalactic Avatar sex, I blew fireworks all over the wall.
2: And?
1: So afterwards we're lying there, basking in the afterglow when all of a sudden the entire place reeks. It reeks like a sewer in a bad neighbourhood where people only eat Indian food.
2: Now we're talking. Well, there can only be a few possible explanations for this and the first thing that comes to my mind is her vagina. Was it, like, rank dude?.
1: No!
2: That happens to chicks dude, that's why they invented the douche.
1: I thought they invented that so we had something to call you?
2: Very funny…
1: No, I'm just kidding. It wasn't her vagina. I have plenty of experience with rank vagina plus this odour has more of like an Ass Essence to it, an "Assence" if you will.
2: Was it you?
1: No bro, no way, not a chance. First off I never fart with a new chick until like the fourth date, third date maybe. Second off I have never in my life farted the smell of a rotten corpse. I would have to eat the corpse of a dead guy who just ate Indian food and then shit himself in order to fart a smell that bad.

Do you smell that assence?

You can smell an assence if you enter a toilet or restroom after someone had a dump.
Most noticeable in a club/bar or restaurant
by rzhhhh November 23, 2011
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A metaphor for big dick.

"Like a Virgin"
Is a song about this cooze who's a regular fuck machine
I'm talkin' morning, day, night, afternoon
Dick, dick, dick, dick, dick. (That's a lot of dicks)
Then one day, she meets this John Holmes motherfucker,
and it's like "whoa baby"
I mean; this cat is like Charles Bronson in The Great Escape; he's diggin' tunnels
She's gettin' some serious dick action.
She's feeling something she hasn't felt since forever;
Pain, pain.
It hurts, it hurts her. It shouldn't hurt her because she should be bubble gum by now
But when this cat fucks her, it hurts
It hurts, just like it did the first time
You see the pain is reminding the fuck machine what it was once like to be a virgin.
Hence; Like a Virgin
If you feel pain, that's what it was once like to be a virgin.
Hence; Like a Virgin
by rzhhhh March 24, 2011
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...no sex

Two words you never want to hear your girlfriend, wife
or otherwise ever say, as it is usually her threatening to
withdraw sex from your relationship for an indefinite

time period because you have done or said, or are about to
do or say something extremely stupid.

Can also be used to blackmail or extort by forcing you
to say or do something you don't want to.
Such as clean the dishes, iron the clothes, walk the dog,
pick up the kids from school, do things a woman should
generally do or spew secrets on your best mate and

so on and so on...

The no sex threat is a womans Straight Flush
It is not a Royal Flush because it doesn't always work,
not all men are that reliant on sex, but 98.97% of us are,
so it may aswell be a Royal Flush.
1: What's up?
2: The wife used the no sex threat on me the other day
1: Hahahahahahahaha..... why?
2: She was having a girls night in with some of her girlfriends, I walked in, accidentally of course, they started interrogating me about Steve and his curre -
1: I don't like where this is going, you didn't tell them anything did you?
2: Well I refused at first but then she threatened me and -
1: You fuckin cunt, I hope you get raped by that pack of apes that escaped the zoo the other day.
Steve: Hey guys
2: Oh shi-
1: Bye guys
by rzhhhh July 10, 2010
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Frozen Assets - noun

The result of putting your money in the fridge.

In the Business and Finance World an Asset is the name given to any form of economic resource that can be owned.
These range from stocks, bonds, trademarks, computer programs/software to buildings, equipment and even high value personnel.

Frozen Assets is the name given to Toxic Assets that have ceased to function.

In the dating world Assets refer to a persons, positive, features.

While the term encompasses all of a persons features it is typically used to refer to physical features, especially on women and especially when referring to her posterior and/or curves.

Think: "ASS-ets"
These assets can change relatively rapidly. For example: if the person puts on or loses weight/muscle. They are not fixed.

Frozen Assets are, therefore, features that do/can not change readily.
Generally non-physical features such as intelligence, personality traits, social, athletic and/or academic abilities etc...
I put my money in the fridge. I got the idea when I heard "Frozen Assets" on CNBC :D

Halifax has lots of Frozen Assets

A woman with an M.D. is, obviously, intelligent.
The degree and her smarts are Frozen Assets

A person who is charismatic and makes friends easily has charisma as one of their Frozen Assets

Check out her assets!
You've got lovely assets
by rzhhhh November 14, 2011
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