67 definitions by ricky roma

what is usually said at the office before a long-winded speech by the boss. Is often followed by "Your services are no longer needed."
"Jack, we need to talk. Since profits are down by 12% and we are looking to downsize the corporation, I am going to have to tell you that your services are no longer needed. Go luck finding around job."
by ricky roma September 27, 2003
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term also used by 419 scambaiters to describe their pets.
I've been going back and forth with this mugu for about three weeks, and I'm hoping to score a trophy pic of him.
by ricky roma July 20, 2004
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1. brand name of sunglasses
2. The act of dropping your balls across your partners eyes. (also see teabag)
1. I just dropped a hundy on a new pair of ray-bans, since someone broke into my car and deeboed my old pair.

2. We had this party at the crib, and some nasty skank passed out in my bed. Because she did, I had to drop the ray-bans on her.
by ricky roma November 18, 2003
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drummer in wordOutkast/word's "Hey Ya" video.

entire roster includes:
acoustic guitarist Johnny Vulture
backup trio The Love Haters
bassist Possum Jenkins
crazed drummer Dookie Blasingame
lead singer Andre "Ice Cold" 3000
keyboardist Benjamin Andre.
Dookie is the drummer of the Love Haters
by ricky roma November 29, 2003
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the official mode of transportation of mullets around the world.

See also "camaro cut".
You should have seen this hick riding past my house. He had this primered-out 82 Camaro with T-tops, and his mullet was flapping out the top.
by ricky roma October 10, 2003
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geek-speak for "fucks"
I had to deal with these two mindless fucks at work today.
by ricky roma November 20, 2003
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for something to die without sudden warning.
You couldn't imagine how pissed I was when I fired up my computer this morning and found out that my three week old 160 GB drive crapped out on me.
by ricky roma November 18, 2003
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