1 definition by rawr like a lion

A girl who is very short, beautiful, crazy and GAY.The kind of girl that gets stared at by everyone, and honked at thinking *WOW* obvioulsy because she's FAF. Everyone loves this bitch , might not be the sharpest of the lot but yeah she'll always be there for you. Never ever will this girl make you upset it's impossible for her . Abbey is the girl you need when your crying , she'll make you forget what or who your crying about. Gorgeous brown hair, tans amazingly , english though not to be confused with spanish or latina. Abbey falls for the wrong guy and rejects the good ones, . All the girls want to be her because of her amazing beauty yet she still calls herself ugly. This girl can make anyone giggle with just one word. , no idea how she does it. To be honest it's hard to be depressed with her around she's a sex goddess YOU NEED TO HAVE AN ABBEY BESTFRIEND OTHERWISE YOUR LIFE IS NOT COMPLETE.
girl: omg why is abbey so damn beautiful I wish I was her
boy: dammmnnn abbey looks fine
stranger: OMG who is she ?! i'm gonna stare at her awesomeness.
by rawr like a lion November 21, 2010
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