240 definitions by rachel

Federal Bureau of Investigation.
I'm From the FBI,Drop your Gun!
by rachel March 8, 2004
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i. a popular nickname for the female first name "Rachel".
ii. a deranged or otherwise outlandish girl.
iii. a close aquaintance of monaro.
iv. used to describe a deranged person, usually female.
v. most potent dispenser of truth, co-founder of the wognod.
vi. first introduced the, "stop thrusting on my chair!" motive.
"Stop being a rasel, you foolish girl."
by rachel May 31, 2004
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"I'm proud to be a gork!"
by rachel September 15, 2003
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number 63, god knows who made it up
"matts a number 63" -rachel
"yea hes def. an isiot" -aL
by rachel July 12, 2003
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a town full of people who hang out behind the burger king and smoke the weed typically rich kids who are all emo and slit there wrist and cry about nothing and have a myspace
that kid is drinking cheap ass beer he's so not closter
by rachel April 8, 2005
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Gerg's prophecies:
1. People Shit Me
3. Just Leave Me The Fuck Alone
4. Bring back Hunters
5. The Truth Hurts
by rachel February 22, 2003
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a term used to describe sex when a girl is trying to have sex with a fat man, but is getting crushed under his weight; therefore making the girl a pancake.
After Bob and I fookoojaked, I couldnt walk.
by rachel April 1, 2005
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