15 definitions by qbdkusoemv

A loose association of anti-racist groups who engage in popular resistance to fascism. Antifa members recognize the state's refusal to take action against fascist violence and are thus forced to take matters into their own hands to protect their communities.

Antifa members are historically literate and have studied how European fascists used free speech and free assembly as weapons to seize control of their governments and ultimately do away with such liberties. They understand that Nazism and fascism are fundamentally violent, dictatorial ideologies that must be squashed and will exhaust all nonviolent means before resorting to defensive violence.

The establishment vilifies Antifa groups as "terrorists" precisely because they challenge the white supremacist social order and frustrate the ability of white supremacists to use racial minorities as punching bags.
Cornell West: "If it hadn’t been for antifa protecting us (black Charlottesville clergymembers) from the fascists, we would've been crushed like cockroaches."
by qbdkusoemv December 1, 2019
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An ugly and/or emotionally inept man who feels that the problems in his life are caused by his sex rather than his own incompetence and sloth.

Rather than trying to improve his lot in life, the masculist prefers to try to drag women down to his level of filth and incompetence.
Masculist: All rape victims are lying sluts, and any woman who reports a rape should be immediately imprisoned, if not executed.
by qbdkusoemv December 11, 2017
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A myth invented by racist white people in a desperate attempt to justify their own racism.
Person #1: Affirmative action was implemented to counteract discriminatory university admissions processes and to level the playing field.
Person #2: Doesn't matter. Still reverse racism. Blacks are too stupid to attend college anyway.
by qbdkusoemv July 16, 2017
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A product of centuries of social conditioning that has ingrained male superiority (and, conversely, female inferiority) into our collective consciousness, resulting in a set of social, economic and political advantages accorded to men solely on the basis of their sex.

Naysayers claim that male privilege is confined to the past. Indeed, every generation likes to believe they live in fair and just times. But in reality, centuries of male privilege does not just vanish overnight and will likely take centuries to fully eradicate.
Examples of male privilege:

When a man walks down the street, he is left alone.
When a woman walks down the street, she is catcalled and sexually harassed.

When a man slips up at work, he is given a second chance.
When a woman slips up at work, she is disciplined, if not fired.

When a man speaks up in a meeting, everyone listens.
When a woman speaks up in a meeting, she is interrupted, belittled and/or silenced.

When a man is angry, he's just having a bad day.
When a woman is angry, she's a premenstrual bitch.

When a man is assertive, he is respected.
When a woman is assertive, she is a nagging bitch.

When a man succeeds, he "earned" it.
When a woman succeeds, she "slept her way to the top."

When a man reports a rape, he is believed.
When a woman reports a rape, she is accused of lying or "asking for it."

When a man beats/rapes/kills a woman, he is given the benefit of the doubt.
When a woman beats/rapes/kills a man, she is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

When a man abandons/harms his child, he is excused.
When a woman abandons/harms her child, she is an evil mother who is swiftly imprisoned.

When a man has sex, he's celebrated as a stud, legend or boss.
When a woman has sex, she's denounced as a sIut, whore or skank.

When a man gains weight, he is given a pass.
When a woman gains weight, she is mocked and ridiculed.

When a man goes gray, no one says a word.
When a woman goes gray, she is an old hag.
by qbdkusoemv December 11, 2017
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A set of rules, morals or principles that are unfairly applied to different groups or people.
Examples of double standards:

(About a male boss): "I love his take-charge attitude!"
(About a female boss): "She's such a bitch! She's probably on her period."

(About a man who has sex): "What an awesome stud/legend/boss he is!"
(About a woman who has sex): "What a disgusting slut/whore/skank she is!"
by qbdkusoemv August 14, 2016
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Sympathy for male perpetrators of violence against women, rather than for female victims of male violence. It is mostly displayed in rape and domestic violence cases, resulting in a slap on the wrist, if anything.
Example of himpathy:

Mother: Your honor, this man kidnapped and raped my daughter at gunpoint and has shown no remorse. Please hold him accountable by sentencing him to prison.
Judge: Prison would be very hard on him and cost him his job. The poor man has suffered enough already. I'm sentencing him to 6 months of probation.
Mother: But your honor, what about my daughter?
Judge: Well maybe she shouldn't have been wearing a skirt. She was clearly asking for it. Next case.
by qbdkusoemv May 9, 2020
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An ignorant southern white guy who can say and do virtually anything and still be viewed positively.
His prejudiced behavior was downplayed as just a "good ol' boy kidding around."
by qbdkusoemv December 10, 2015
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