44 definitions by progamer124

The full phrase is "Excuses are like asses; everybody's got em." There are many variations on this phrase; for example, some people may add "and they all stink" to the end, or change "asses" to "assholes." The phrase appears to have evolved from the related phrase, "Opinions are like assholes - everybody's got one."
"It wasn't my fault I was late, the traffic was bad!"
"Excuses are like asses. Everybody's got em, and they all stink."
by progamer124 May 23, 2004
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AKA sp0rkeh.
A computer virus that masquerades as a hack for the game Counter-Strike, often used by members of myg0t. Among other things, Sporkeh changes window text to a l33t derivative of "sporkeh owns you," switches screen relolution to 640x480, switches right-click and left-click on your mouse, slows the mouse cursor to a crawl, and prevents any EXE files from being run.
See www.pwned.nl for an example.
by progamer124 April 13, 2005
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Someone who has money and doesn't work, instead devoting his/her life to being "socially active." Socialites go to parties, gather media attention, and essentially "work" at being popular. This often comes at the expense of any meaningful contribution to society or culture (outside of catchphrases-that-aren't-really-catchphrases, like Paris Hilton's "That's Hot").
Paris Hilton is a classic example of a socialite.
by progamer124 January 4, 2005
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A relatively rare and harmless virus, spread by mosquitos. Symptoms include fever, headache, and body aches, with occasional skin rashes and/or swollen lymph nodes. A few weeks of bed rest will usually take care of it.

But if West Nile is such a weak virus, why has the news media gone crazy over it? News stations in America have taken advantage of a rare condition called encephalitis to turn the molehill of West Nile into a mountain that rivals the Ebola virus. Encephalitis is a swelling of the brain - a very serious condition that can SOMETIMES be caused by West Nile. Note that when I say "sometimes" I mean it in the sense that "sometimes" people die from chickenpox. Tons of common childhood diseases can cause encephalitis, including measels, chickenpox, mono, and the flu. Remember that the next time CNN tries to warn you about the evil mosquitoes that are threatening to kill us all.
When I got west nile, I was out of school for 3 days. When I got the chickenpox, I was out of school for almost a month. Think about that for awhile.
by progamer124 September 7, 2004
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A very short period of time; within a blink or a heartbeat. Originates from the legendary fast pace of life in New York.
I can beat that score in a new york minute.
by progamer124 December 7, 2003
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Strong alcoholic beverage, consisting of four to five hard liquors and a splash of Coca-Cola. Ingredients vary, but generally includes tequila, rum, gin, vodka, and triple sec in equal amounts (1 shot glass usually) with Sweet & Sour mix for tartness and Coke to create color of iced tea.
A few long island iced teas will get you hammered pretty quick.
by progamer124 March 16, 2003
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The concept of interpreting the Bible or other religious texts outside of a literal sense; finding the meaning that was intended behind specific stories, parables, or teachings. Generally when searching for religious truth, one takes into account the time period, the society, the audience, and the writing styles used. This allows religious scholars to understand the Koran the way the first Muslims would have, or to understand the problems and solutions outlined in one of Paul's Epistles.
Luke's Gospel is a good example of the concept of religious truth. The religious truth of Luke's Gospel is that Jesus came for all humanity, especially the poor and marginalized members of society. This is especially shown in his birth narrative, which portrays Jesus being born in a stable and sleeping in a manger. The birth narrative also shows shepherds as the first to hear the good news of Jesus' birth; shepherds were extremely low-class citizens in ancient Jewish society.
by progamer124 July 11, 2003
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