1 definition by not tonedeaf

Young people with unfortunate music taste; easily identifiable because they dress, talk, and act exactly the same way- due to conformity and/or the heavy drug use has reduced IQ to dangerous levels.

guys: khaki shorts, flip flops, visor, sunglasses, giant hemp necklace- only for use at shows (wouldn't want to wear that back at the frat), earliest WSP shirt they can find- the more obscure the better- particularly if it contains an inside reference to a revered song, and a pocket or two full of drugs-preferably E; particular reverence to JB & whatever show they attended that was located furthest from their present location

girls- anything lightweight and hemp, patchwork flowy skirts, hemp jewelry, incredibly pale, no makeup, very thin (though some are chubby, they're just potheads, only occasional E users), purse full of drugs, preferably E

If these poor misguided youth would stop their continual drug use, they would understand that the music sucks @ss, and they only attend shows for the abundance of drugs.

Their only redeemable quality is the free distribution of drugs to strangers when high on E at shows...and the humor you enjoy while watching this many drugged-out yuppie kids try to dance.
Q: "did you see that group of spreadheads over there?"

A: "yea, what douchebags. they actually believe they're the new deadheads."

Q: "did you see the white guy with dreads come out of that lexus SUV?"

A: "must be a spreadhead"
by not tonedeaf August 17, 2006
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