63 definitions by no

Store for want to be rebellious little children to spend their parents money on 80 dollar bondage pants.
"wow look, she's the mirror imagine of the gap" "you didn't know that hot topic was owned by the gap? wow!"
by no July 18, 2003
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1. To masturbate
2. A choccolate croissant
1. Dude i just had the best pando, pass the tissues
2. I like a pando for breakfast, say now
by no December 12, 2003
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a complete loser that needs to be put in jail or a mental hospital
like a nutcase
by no April 9, 2003
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Believes and writings of lenin from the revolution
lenin was a traitor, and leninism is NOT communism
by no July 18, 2003
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abbr. Abbreviation for Abbreviation
abbr. : abbr. for Abbreviation
by no January 6, 2003
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the german word for dark
so.. dark is hell, then hell mst be dark
me: Hell is german for dark
dmbass: So, the german hell is dark!
me: *bitch slaps that motherfucker*
by no March 30, 2005
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