64 definitions by leah

a bro who's also a boy bimbo (aka a himbo)

y'know - kinda pretty, kinda dumb, kinda bro-ish
That kid thinks he's a hot shit hipster pretty boy but underneath it all he's still a total bro.
by leah April 18, 2005
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profanity: fuck
verb: to fuck
anything: fuck
1. dewt off!
2. I would like to dewt her!
3. dewter!
by leah December 20, 2004
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Yo i romped your bitch last night
by leah December 23, 2002
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A woman may not know she has an STD from prior sexual desires with men and she may infect her current partner with a broken condom.
by leah September 3, 2003
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The mass extermination of millions of Jews, homos, gypsies, and anyone who opposed Hitler. He made his ass- nazis shoot them right out and put them in mass grave, or put them in concentration camps. These were made especialy to kill and sicken the inhabitants. Some of the soldiers were good however, and were only there becuase they served int he army. It was becuase of good ppl like that that the few that survived did.
The holocaust was a terrible catastrophe that can't happen again. In order for it to not happen, EVERYONE needs to know abt it.
by leah October 13, 2006
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An escape from life, like (see weed). When you get back, the problems of life hit you in the face like a brick.
mother: why are you on those games so much?
son: Everything else sucks.
by leah March 30, 2005
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