29 definitions by im u fucking sadist17

yo daddy aint no glass maker: What ur mom tells u when u get in the way of the tv in the ghetto.
chiled: *walks in front of tv*

mother: *yeets shoe at young'n* Yo daddy aint no glass maker!
by im u fucking sadist17 February 16, 2021
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A phrase originated from the movie Soul when the mc straight up roast a boy and the boi goes: "you cut deep joe" Basically an extra sarcastic way of saying no shit/literaly everyone knows and no one cares. Something you say when someone offend you but fail miserably because it applies to a large amount of people of is well known.
offended gay guy to well know lesbian: well at least i dont eat pussy for a living!

well known lesbian: *stares* you cut deep joe.
by im u fucking sadist17 January 14, 2021
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Why is she praying on her knees?
Don't worry shes just part of the sky daddy club
by im u fucking sadist17 May 21, 2021
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Pernouced four KD or FKD. A term used by straight dudes lesbians and anyone whos finger fucked a pussy, meaning four knuckles deep. This can be expanded to include any number of knuckles deep in a pussy.
Bobby: have u seen devins mom?! Shes a total MILF!
Jake: yeh i was totally FKD in her last night.
Bobby: FR?
by im u fucking sadist17 December 28, 2021
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A "Jewish Space Laser" is when you receive oral sex next to a window and try to hold a magnifying glass steady enough for the beam of sunlight from the window to light all 8 candles on the menorah.
I gave my wife a jewish space laser yesterday but she couldn't light'em all.
by im u fucking sadist17 March 1, 2021
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The Tina x Janet ship name from the show Marvels' Runaways. The combination of Stein and Minoru.
person 1: Hey you ships steinoru or gertchase

person 2: gertchase

by im u fucking sadist17 March 18, 2021
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