20 definitions by hot east

The part of the country where Elvis comes from. These territories are known for neocons, white supremacist capitalist patriarchy, and family values and a lack of a progressive economy where the new jobs created are at Walmart, thus making people dependent on religion and alcohol to explain their personal failures. Also known as fly over state, red state, or Dumbfuckistan. Generally where neckbeards and republicans live, and squirrel hunting is a primary source of dinner for most people who can't afford to feed their family, but must live within their means. Akin to death for people who have lived in more progressive areas.
The feds put Sammy in witness protection and sent him to live in Elvis country. He used to be the king of New York, now they got him stocking shelves in Walmart.
by hot east December 22, 2008
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To extensively modify an electronic device to perform something it was not originally designed to do, usually using blue wire-wrap wire and external components that were not an original part of the equipment being modified. The result is often overtly ugly and has the appearance of being an afterthought.

The need to bluewire a solution is usually in response to a salesperson providing a marginally-performing, lower-cost item for a specific purpose it was not intended to perform, but marking up the cost to a par with a higher-cost item so that a sales margin could be met.
The transmitter did not work as the customer expeced, so the service technician had to bluewire it so it could do what was needed.
by hot east May 25, 2008
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Verb. Usually as "to primary." To propose a challenger candidate against an incumbent politician during the primary and then do everything you can to insure the neophyte challenger is victorious over the incumbent. Thus, the incumbent becomes a regular citizen again and is free to pursue the rest of his or her political ambitions overtly bought out as a lobbyist or Washington attorney. This is the tool of last resort when a politician no longer represents the interests of his or her constituency, but of a special interest or heavy-hitting contributor that overshadows the will of the people back home.
I promise to primary any politician who votes against Social Security, Medicare, or Veterans' Benefits.
by hot east April 13, 2013
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A person who claims to be an expert and markets him or herself as such, but has no discernable income or prior background being a practitioner in the subject matter they purport to represent. These individuals are usually offered talking points and a buried stipend (read: paid off) by a special interest group, such as a political party or industry lobby then go on to blog or make media appearances promoting their point of view to the detriment of people who are real-life practitioners and subject matter experts.
Andy is a pundit on technology issues but doesn't seem to have any real-world experience doing the things he promotes. Through some digging we can discover he is actually an industry shill.
by hot east August 1, 2012
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A radio code used by some urban public safety agencies as a professional sounding abbreviation for coffee, milk, no sugar. Intended to make a coffee run sound official and important.
"East 2, return to quarters. Make a stop on the way, 3 MNS."
by hot east January 6, 2010
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The shenanigans that corporations play with disingenuous politicians, which place them in a higher position than the politician's individual constituents. These shenanigans may include contributions, lobbying, influence peddling, manipulation of regulatory environments, strong-arming, or other techniques, not unlike those of organized crime, but legitimized by a corporate presence, employed to create a favorable environment for the corporation and its shareholders mostly to the detriment of the individual constituents within the district served and the corporation's stakeholders. Often corporo-political jackassery exploits weak-minded people who respond to buzzwords and grossly oversimplified skeletal concepts they don't understand with militant activism in defense of the buzzword, despite the obvious detriment to the individual; i.e., "Obamacare."
A number of protections were enacted following the Great Depression to prevent our economy from tanking, however thanks to decades of corporo-political jackassery, most were deregulated and Wall Street was alloiwed to police itself. The end product left the U.S. with massive foreclosures, layoffs, and an exodus of industry which further eroded the middle class.
by hot east February 20, 2011
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A personality type which is incapable of processing a broad spectrum of thought and only perceives issues in an all-or-nothing black or white context. Closed-minded. Obtuse.
That's a really abstract concept, but you may not want to tell Joe about it. He's pretty monochromatic and won't get it.
by hot east February 20, 2009
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