7 definitions by hekifier is the greatest

The shitty over-rated store that underpays their employees, has sex and racial discrimination, borrows all their materials for their sales from China, and has rude employees that defile the human rights of consumers. The only reason they get so much business is because they have no competition, and we must take steps to boycott everything from Walmart because they're also hurting the smaller businesses, moreless manipulating customers to give money to those cheap bastards until all the other places close down and it leaves nothing except that fucking Walmart store! We must stop it from taking over our nation!
Wal-mart is now trying to bribe 200,000 dollars to avoid a lawsuit from a woman that was trampled to death! It's a fucking cheap ass slaughter house deeming society as a bunch of shitty ass retards that aren't fair to the economy! Walmart must be stopped!
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The only day of the year where marijuana is supposed to be legally sold. But some retards in the American government decided to make it illegal, which resulted in more thefts and murders associated with marijuana.
I haven't smoked pot since the last 420. I'm scared some policeman is going to come to my door and yank me to jail, since they're just looking around for people to bust! Nosy bastards!
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To get so pissed that you turn green and start shaking the entire world around.
Oh no. Jeremy is Going Hulk, now that Roomscape is down! It's too bad he has to do his work in science class!
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A shopping website that sells entirely nothing but homosexual blow up dolls, pornography videos, and things from John Mayer.
"Wow. Where'd you get John Mayer's latest album! I got my copy from EGay at a very low price!"
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Lesbian dike pop singer who is involved in the movement of teenage girls going lesbian in order to make everyone as screwed up as her.
Katy Perry kissed a girl, and she liked it. Why would she want to sing it to the entire world? That's nothing to be happy about!
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The only legal way you can view bestiality porn.
Oh yeah! The Discovery Channel! Do it like they do on the Discover Channel! Oh yes! Ride me like a pony! That is hot!
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Any woman who sleeps with so many guys that she can't remember their names, and doesn't know the last names of the babies she has ever few months. Gilrs like this are usually obvious to spot, because they flirt and groop all over any guy, having very low standards, and are ready and willing the give a blow job to anything shaped like a penis.
The Mathews sisters are totally cockmagnets! There's 8 of them, and their mother has two more coming later this year? Are they ever going to go out and get some hobbies or maybe even a job? I feel sorry for them.
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