35 definitions by gimme the money

Something that school aspires to develop its students into, a "jack of all trades" is a well-rounded person who has adapted many skills and is somewhat knowledgeable on many topics but is not an expert (or even an apprentice) in most or even all of the said skills.
Son: Mom I swept my report with C's in all my classes
Parent: Wtf I'm calling the school

-parent proceeds to call the school-

Parent: Wtf my son is a freaking failure how could this happen
Principal: What do you mean, he is a "jack of all trades", he will totally get into a university
Parent: Wtf, is my tax dollars really going into this shit education system
Principal: No, it's going into my wallet.. err I mean uhh, no, it is uhh, going to..
Parent: I'm putting my "jack of all trades" kid up for adoption
by gimme the money June 29, 2016
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The last name of the renowned smuggler Han Solo. No one gives a fuck about the rest of the definitions.
Holy shit! Han Solo just shot three First Order Stormtroopers dead before any of them returned fire!
by gimme the money April 15, 2016
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An MMORPG co-owned by Bioware and EA, released in late 2011. The expectations for SWTOR were sky-high and the release was majorly hyped, even a year before the release date (SWTOR was developed for 4 years, and was deemed the WOW killer), but the game was a huge letdown (the subscriber count dipped from 2 million to 800k in the first 10 months of release).

As of 2016, EA is starting to pump money into SWTOR and release new story expansions. EA has also gradually made the game easier through patches over the years to the point it can now be called the easiest MMORPG.

The PVP and raid community is starting to leave, and EA has prioritized new players over veterans. EA will not be adding the raid content the veterans want and have been waiting for, but spend months making new story expansions, letting new players start off 5 levels off the level cap, and updating the cartel market (a cosmetic shop, usually has little to no impact on actual gameplay).

The majority of the player base are novice first-time MMORPG players. The starter instances probably have 3-5 times more players than end-game planets, "Legendary Status" clickers are all too common and SWTOR is the only MMORPG where you can sit on the capital instance (imperial or republic fleet) all day. New players usually quit within 3 months when they are done with the story, and they go on to PVE and PVP content, but realize they aren't playing something along farmville difficulty.
2nd grader: hey I found a game called swtor on the internet, do you want to try it

classmate: no, I have to do addition homework

2nd grader: I heard it is really easy!
by gimme the money September 5, 2016
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Seasoning for the stuff that your wife makes you that you love. Better seasoning than salt and pepper.
"Hand over the salt and pepper"

"Sorry I replaced my salt and pepper with montreal steak spice"

"That's even better, I love you man, but not in a gay way"
by gimme the money October 17, 2015
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Divine and holy spiritual objects that Montrealers like to eat with their poutine (as does the rest of Canada)
"Man Montreal Smoked Meat goes down so nice with a can of beer eh"
by gimme the money October 17, 2015
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Slang for "rig".
You jacked the odds, fucking cheap ass, the possibility of you winning was 3720 to 1!
by gimme the money July 1, 2016
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In hockey, a goalie that lets in a lot of goals.

In other words, a goalie that sucks.
Shit, 7-0 in the first period?! The goalie is a shiv.
by gimme the money November 3, 2016
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