28 definitions by geniusonwheels

The person who has seen every single episode of the hit TV show LOST sometimes can't even describe what is happening on the show to a person who never watches it. This is usually because they do not understand everything that has happened, even though they are experts.
A: "So let me get this right...You've seen all 4 seasons and you can tell me what happening."

B: "Ummmm. No. Sorry."

A: "You are so Lost on LOST."
by geniusonwheels February 6, 2009
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What a PS3 player feels when he is surrounded by X-Box 360 users who are discussing achievements, Gamerscore, etc.
"Nathan looks X-Boxed in because his friends are discussing the hidden achievements on Gears of War 2."
by geniusonwheels February 18, 2009
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To give a crossword fanatic a book which contains puzzles which are much, much harder than the ones they are doing right now. It is named after puzzlemaster Will Shortz.
"I just bought Bob that book of Chicago Tribune crossword puzzles. That really oughta tighten his shortz."
by geniusonwheels February 6, 2009
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That unfortunate sound when someone is playing a guitar of any kind, and right in the middle, a string snaps in half.
"That dude was killing that song until he had a string break.
by geniusonwheels February 9, 2009
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In a conversation between two people texting, a situation that is so big that it should be discussed, but neither of the two people want to bring it up while texting.

Like elephant in the room
It was hard talking to James because there was that huge elephant in the phone about that girl we both like
by geniusonwheels June 6, 2010
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A time where a high school/college senior realize that they are a senior of their school, and will soon be moving on to other things in the very near future. Usually occurs at the end of the school, and signs include photography, group discussions, and crying.
Kristin had a senior moment when she took out a camera to take a picture of all of her school friends.
by geniusonwheels May 29, 2010
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The act of placing both of your hands on your head, usually seen by disappointed sports fans. Equivalent of putting hands on hips.
After that last interception, the entire home team fans had an OMG sports gesture.
by geniusonwheels November 14, 2010
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