2 definitions by dj for pdubs

The joy resulting in the realization that a hickey is no longer visible; an even better feeling than when hiccups disappear
DJ: Look! My hickey is gone! I can finally stop wearing turtlenecks in August!

LP: It's good to see you so happy - I hope your hickey-ups last the rest of the day.
by dj for pdubs August 23, 2010
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A bitter state of jealousy that comes about when spending way more time than should be allowed in a cafe or coffee shop and the following two conditions are met: (1) all of the seats near outlets are taken and (2) your laptop battery is low.
Lauren was suffering from outlet envy while loitering at Borders one Saturday night, as her laptop battery was at 13% and she could not get a seat near an outlet.
by dj for pdubs February 28, 2010
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