35 definitions by cookie

No worries...used in someplaces of america.
Steph was so worries..then fed said hakuna mattata..and it was all good
by cookie April 2, 2005
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To have a lot of something.
Ex. He has booku (pronounced "Boo" "Koo")
by cookie February 15, 2005
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a person (not naming any names here) that likes to wear midriffs and eat all of the SSS mac&cheese. also a key number in the BBC cough....GG <3's him...cough
"OMG #39!!!!!!! hes so0o0o0o totally at least #10 on ungodly hottness scale worthy!"

"#39's bike got run over my a truck and the pedal squeaks"

"#39 plays the baratone, w/e the hell that is¿?!"
by cookie October 17, 2004
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doin u wrong or dirty.. backstabbin..
damn.. ya nigga grimey for messin wit ya best friend!
by cookie January 4, 2005
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crying your eyes out because some thing terrible bad happened to you, espescially if its like someone you like that turns you down
i was bawling so much when i found out that he didnt like me
by cookie October 23, 2004
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chessie is the shiz-nit

nick, we so0o0o0o0o gotta go to the chinese christian church, its the shiz-nit
by cookie October 4, 2004
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Any nobs of the world, basically anyone who is jiving you.
Hols-wanker-y Community Centre for Knob-jockeys are capital goites.
by cookie October 1, 2003
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