246 definitions by brendan

Game for fat rich old men - and Tiger Woods. Somewhere in between baseball and croquet. Very boring to watch.
The British Open Golf Championship is at Royal Troon, Scotland in 2004.
by brendan July 16, 2004
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Some sex
I took her for a couple of laps last year. It was good times.
by brendan June 27, 2004
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Acronym: Victim Chick. A chick that is very emotionally tender. The good news for you is that she will be easier to score with providing you can pluck her right strings!
I almost felt bad - it was clear she was a total VC.
by brendan May 13, 2004
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1. A good friend or mate.
2. (PAL) Personal Arse Licker
3. (PAL) Packaging Automation Limited
''He's no wan ay yer pals is he? A fuckin tramp onywy that bastar, nae doot aboot that''
by brendan April 7, 2003
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1. Simile for shitcunt.
2. Abbreviation of Random Haxor.
3. A Counter-Strike Player who randomly kills people without skills and spams.(also cant kill afk people).
:D kthxbai!
by brendan July 8, 2003
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