3 definitions by breathe in the air

A nice short definition to save you time:

"Carshalton is flippin' brilliant!"
The village of Carshalton in the London Borough of Sutton is brill.
by breathe in the air May 20, 2014
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Town in outer London, England, near the county of Surrey. Has the best of both worlds - the vibe of London combined with the beauty of England's finest county.
Dude 1: Shall we go London or just chill out in Surrey?

Dude 2: Why choose? If we go to Sutton we can have both!
by breathe in the air March 23, 2016
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At last a place in Britain that is not overrun by either chavs on the one hand or stuck-up young toffs on the other. Its demographic is refreshingly normal and sane. Everyone seems very happy with their lot, not surprising perhaps, given the very attractive place that Sutton is - the quality of life is high here!
Sutton people are some of the luckiest in Greater London - if not the whole world!
by breathe in the air May 17, 2014
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