5 definitions by bored kid who is wasting time

if you are reading this you are the most stupid person ever and you are bored out of your mind and you need to do your homework. you don't need to type it twice. go away already. nothing more here

WOW you're persistant.



i said bye
no i will not give an example of mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytrewqmnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytrewq in a sentance
by bored kid who is wasting time November 3, 2022
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despite the very slim chance of you typing this, you succeeded in finding this.

go you!
(this is completly pointless by the way)
oh, you want a definition,

the word that is acheived by typing random letters on a keyboard.
i dot know what to do so im typing kegweivqpievh;qkebvp on my keyboard.
by bored kid who is wasting time November 3, 2022
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ERROR 122-(identification_fields_did_not_match_our_records)
ERROR 122-(identification_fields_did_not_match_our_records)
by bored kid who is wasting time November 29, 2022
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ok, i know these letters got left out when you typed qetuoadgjlxvn but now qetuoadgjlxv and n are missing out! shame on you! why dont you type qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm instead?
wrtuopsfhkzcbm. just... wrtuopsfhkzcbm.
by bored kid who is wasting time November 21, 2022
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