185 definitions by black Flag

Cricketing term

similar to duck, but to be clean bowled by the first ball the batsman faces.
That's the third Golden Duck of his season, and it's only his second game.
by black Flag June 11, 2004
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A dull seaside town on the English south coast.

Where the English middleclasses go to die.
Boss:- I'm going to transfer you to our Eastbourne office.
Worker:- Noooooooooooooooooooo
by black Flag June 3, 2004
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A school subject that teaches the alert young anarchist how to make primative explosive devices.
One of the few useful things I learnt at school was how to make nitro-based explosives.
by black Flag June 3, 2004
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Blair didn't like Kelly spilling his guts to the BBC over the Iraq affair, so they had him JFK'd.
by black Flag June 3, 2004
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A UK public transport company who provide the worse public transport service in the known universe and treat their staff little better than slaves.
I wouldn't work for first bus if they tripled the pay. (which would still be fuck all)
by black Flag June 3, 2004
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UK slang

A tradesperson, normally a builder, plumber, roofer etc who performs shoddy work at an inflated price.
I paid some cowboy to fix the leak, he charged me 300 quid and I've still got 6 inches of water in my kitchen.
by black Flag June 2, 2004
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