5 definitions by billy bo bo


Suits is a dis-affectionate tearm for people who are bussines men, government workers, for example the CIA, FBI and other three letter government officials.
It is also used to describe corporate exsecutives who, in their time, have earned themselves a reputation for buerocracy and calousness. It is not un-natural that they are treated with disdain and are some of the most corrupt and lothable people in history. Anarchists pray for their downfall, but then again so does everyone who is'nt them.
Thouh they are apparently wealthy and well-to-do the suicide rate of suits is on the increase. Either they grew some morals or they have learnt something we don't know! 0.0!
"I'm a man of bussines, those tree-huggers and liberal jerk-offs can shove it! I'm not concerned with pretty flowers or some indangered species of rat. I've got workers to suppress and money to eat."
by billy bo bo August 23, 2005
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Welcome, I am the Government. We have a plan for your future, kid. Society will lap you like a wolf laps blood.

1. Curriculum: it is by the enforcement of curriculum that we can positively ensure your mental intake of information is kept in a rigid line. You will have no time to experience other things; even if you did you would feel guilty. “What a waist of space in my mind” You’d think.

2. Exams: It is by the continuous use of exams that we can ensure your self-esteem remains at an all-time low. Lower grades means lower respect. You will be called an idiot; you will have low chances in life. The alternative is to succumb to the weight of society, allow us to control your mind. It is easier this way. We promise.

3. Ritualistic mornings: This is the fun part! You now will have to awaken at early hours. Yes any chance of true restfulness is completely imposable. Do you ever walk into school and feel, for a split second, as though you are unconscious? That is how we want you to feel all the time. That is the point in early mornings.

4. Social humiliation: Yes, we didn’t plan this out. So don’t think we’ll take credit for it, yes this part is all thanks to you. It not only away chips away your self-esteem it also encourages hatred, which you will feel toward foreign nations later in life. We guarantee it.

5. Repetitiveness: It is by the continuous repetitiveness of your scholarly years that we can encourage a clockwork feeling within you.

6. Useless information: By presenting you with this information we can disallow independent thought. While you may begin to think for yourself your teacher, asking you to pay attention, will continually interrupt you. This is one of my favourites!

7. Obedience: Yes this is firmly set into the school world. Discipline, self-discipline, thought-discipline hell it’s all here! We take great pride in our ability to control you. Our shrill voices echoing down the corridor. Yes you needn’t ever feel safe, in or out of school. Be afraid, be very afraid.

8. Long term: This will last sometime; you probably won’t be able to remember a time you weren’t in school. No mode of comparison, excellent.

9. Holidays: We have carefully timed these so that they are long enough to maintain sanity but short enough to deter independent thought.

10. Work ethic: You cannot be a worker without work ethic.

We hope you enjoy your stay. Don’t try to escape, even if the gate is always open.
You are free to do as we tell you.
by billy bo bo June 4, 2005
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A person who has an unhealthy obbsession with curricular or academic pursuits. These are the type of people who you would watch struggling with thier test papers as they attempt to scrawl that last vital piece of information into the page.
Often crushed beneath parental pressure they are the continuious persurers of the mythical "good job", meaning a job that pays large wadds of money and nothing of creative or personel enjoyment.

Swats are the way they are beacause by the continuois stress they are presented by teachers, parents and thier own internel control. They feel no need to pursue any other activitys that do not present the possibility of a 95% grade. They often grow up to be miserable people, beaurocrats or office workers. A shame really because thay speant the whole time they could have speant enjoying themselves begging for a little sheet of numbers.
They are also assured that happiness is'nt found within onself, it is found in test scores and preparing for ones (depressing) future.
"You find this subject difficult and boring, why not do ordinary level?"


"Why not?"


"Thank you for your logical explanation."

"Don't get sarcastic with me, at least I'll have a good job when I grow up!"

"I'll see you when I need form stamped."

"Oh shut up bin-man!"
by billy bo bo June 1, 2005
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A fictional pirate from the adventure film "Pirates of the caribbean."
Portrayed by Johnny Depp.
Part of the inspiration for Jack sparrow, says Johnny, was Pepe le piu and Keith Richards. He has a saunter and a generally camp way of being.

The character of Jack sparrow is a rougish, dishonest man who's willing to do anything to get his way. His sole ambition in life is to get back "The black pearl" a ship he was captain of until a mutiny in which his older first mate took over the ship.
They marooned him on an island and left him to rot, lukily for Jack the island was a stop for rum smugglers. After spending three days on the beach drinking said rum he bartered passage off the island. He then made his way to Tortuga and met a young fishing girl called Anamaria. He also gained himself a reputation at the local brothel albeit a not very good one, at least not with Scarlet and Gisselle. Still I'm sure Jack was a very steady customer.
Eventually he stole Anamaria's boat "The jolly mon" and sailed to the neighboring Port royal. It was then his intention to commondere a ship, find himself a crew in Tortuge rape, pilage plunder and other wise pilfer his weasly black guts out.
This is the point where the film starts.
Jack sparrow is far more than has been written by drooling fan-girls.
He is a hilarious and colourfull character whom is worth far more than "He ish soooo hawt! *Drool*" posts.
"When you left me on that god forsaken spit of land you forgot one very important thing; I'm captain Jack sparrow!"
by billy bo bo August 11, 2005
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A person who has an unhealthy obbsession with curricular or academic pursuits. These are the type of people who you would watch struggling with thier test papers as they attempt to scrawl that last vital piece of information into the page.
Often crushed beneath parental pressure they are the continuious persurers of the mythical "good job", meaning a job that pays large wadds of money and nothing of creative or personel enjoyment.

Swats are the way they are beacause by the continuois stress they are presented by teachers, parents and thier own internel control. They feel no need to pursue any other activitys that do not present the possibility of a 95% grade. They often grow up to be miserable people, beaurocrats or office workers. A shame really because thay speant the whole time they could have speant enjoying themselves begging for a little sheet of numbers.
They are also assured that happiness is'nt found within onself, it is found in test scores and preparing for ones (depressing) future.
"You find this subject difficult and boring, why not do ordinary level?"


"Why not?"


"Thank you for your logical explanation."

"Don't get sarcastic with me, at least I'll have a good job when I grow up!"

"I'll see you when I need form stamped."

"Oh shut up bin-man!"
by billy bo bo June 1, 2005
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