20 definitions by balbir

liquid courage;

An initialism often used as a noun to describe someone who needs liquid courage to have any wheels, or to make move on any girl.
"He's obviously into Rebecca, we need to help his wheels, so let's order some shots for LC."

"Of course your date went sour, you should have ordered some wine, you're such an LC."

"Louis has some pretty awesome stories about having sex with girls but he's shit at talking to girls in real life, we all know he's a classic case of LC."
by balbir December 7, 2011
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when somebody is seemingly boost, or cool, but they still have to prove their worth.
Dude, that guy seems alright, but he's still kinda shifty. He's like boost on probation"
by balbir September 21, 2007
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A derogatory term used for a 'dusty' guy, usually one lacking any wheels, or is just in general, someone who is very uncool.

This is a thinly concealed racist term, deriving from "Choc," a slang term for a black person.
"Adrianna's dating a complete chalk, you can definitely outwheel him."

"Look at those dusty chalks at the club hitting on those girls."

"Popped collar? What a chalk!
by balbir December 7, 2011
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exceedingly cool, in terms of a person or an event.
"see that dude over there, he's ultra boost."
"that party last night was ultra boost!"
by balbir September 21, 2007
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Short form for cum goggles, or specifically referring to dark thick rimmed glasses with large frames, such as those often worn by hipsters or blonde girls with large faces.

If questioned by the wearer of CGs on what the acronym stands for, they refer to cool glasses. This results in hilarious moments when they self-refer to their glasses as CGs.
"Your shitty feminist ex had the biggest CGs, did you ever bust your load on them"

"Hey buddy, did you just call my new hip glasses CGs?" "Yeah man, cool glasses!"
by balbir October 24, 2013
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Used as a quick retort or reply when somebody mentions something you know they know nothing about.
"I saw Jen the other day."
"Whatcha know about Jen?"

"Did you do the math homework last night?
"Whatcha know about factorization?"

"We saw Gorillas in the Mist the other day."
"Whatcha know about bathing apes?"
by balbir September 21, 2007
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