78 definitions by alyssa

the best god damn music ever! metallica kicks ass!
metallica, acdc, disturbed, korn, led zepplin...
by alyssa December 11, 2003
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Name in french meaning way to sexy for words!
by alyssa January 24, 2005
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Pejorative used as a retort against people who mock your intelligence by sarcastically calling you Einstein.

May also be used as a general term for someone being an idiot, along with asshat and fucktard
"Good job, Einstein"
"Shut up, you're a buttstein"
by alyssa April 4, 2005
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axe is a smelly thing that alotta guys buy that they think smells goosd that actually smells alot like crap.
He had that axe spray it smells like shyt!
by alyssa December 20, 2004
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to wear clothes not considered nice clothes, or sweats. usually reffering to a female.
"whoa have you seen michelle today? shes really bummin it"
by alyssa November 26, 2003
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Did you see amanda's shirt today?! that shit was crank, off the sheezy for heezy
by alyssa February 7, 2005
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