74 definitions by Xtreme2252

A MMORPG that is only intended for total video game whores, since it involves you doing the same thing over and over again. People who play it are confused into thinking they're receiving sex, so they actually pay money.
If you like games that take skill, Fail of Failcraft is not for you
by Xtreme2252 July 20, 2009
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The greatest FPS game ever made. It came out on the N64 in 2000. It was kind of like a futuristic Goldeneye game based in the future and with awesome guns and good graphics for the time. You play as perfect agent Joanna Dark. The soundtrack was pretty kickass and went well with the game. There are also fun features, such as the Carrington Institute. You can unlock Goldeneye weapons by getting good scores in the shooting range. You can also unlock cheats by completeing certain levels in under a set time on a certain difficulty.

There's an XBLA version set to be released soon. It will feature better graphics and online play
<John> Perfect Dark was the shit
<Nathan> Yeah
by Xtreme2252 August 12, 2009
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Any videogame or game that consumes your life and causes nobody to like you
two famous abstinence programs are WoW and, more laughably bad, Runescape. Much funner than wearing a chastity belt
by Xtreme2252 March 8, 2009
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Short for Gold Stars. In Rock Band and Guitar Hero, you can get gold stars depending on certain things. Rock Band is just a high score on expert difficulty, and GH is to full combo (or "FC") a song.
Danny can FC/GS every song.
by Xtreme2252 February 15, 2010
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He's the only guy who loves WoW and still manages to have some sort of life, although his real life also does revolve around WoW. His band, Cannibal Corpse, are well known for their shitty repetitive music, all of which sounds like a guy hyperventilating into a mic while the drummer hits on the cymbal and the snare repeatedly.
George Fisher is famous for singing about raping the dead bodies of five year old boys
by Xtreme2252 July 19, 2009
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A flavor of chips that is not sold in America
<candian> Do you has Ketchup Chips???
<american> no... ):
<canadian> Aww... sad face
by Xtreme2252 May 27, 2009
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Level 99 characters usually do the max amount of damage (9999) with every attack
by Xtreme2252 July 20, 2009
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