31 definitions by Whatsit2yaa

From Wikipedia:

Devil Eyes was the code name for a secret psychological warfare program in 2005–2006 by the United States Central Intelligence Agency to develop an Osama bin Laden action figure and distribute it in South Asia, especially Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The CIA worked in conjunction with toymaker Donald Levine, a former Hasbro executive who has been credited as the "father" of G.I. Joe toys. Levine designed a 12-inch lifelike figure of bin Laden whose face was painted with a material that, when heated, would peel off to reveal a demon-like visage with red skin, green eyes, and black markings. The goal of the program was to scare children and their parents to turn public opinion against the real Osama bin Laden, or Al-Qaeda. Levine sought to manufacture the toys in China, and he had business contacts there who could assist.
In 2014, the CIA acknowledged the existence of the program but said it had been discontinued after Levine had produced only three prototype figurines. According to The Washington Post, however, an anonymous source in China with "direct knowledge of the project" said that hundreds of the toys were created and shipped to Karachi, Pakistan in 2006.
A prototype of the design was sold in an auction in 2014 for $11,879, and another sold for $6,250 in 2015. The remaining one of the three known prototypes is believed to be in the ownership of the CIA.
Not many people know Devil Eyes was a real CIA counter terrorism psychological warfare project.

See also:

War on Terror
War in Afghanistan (2001–present)
Psychological Operations (United States)
Osama bin Laden in popular culture
Islamic toys
Demons in Islam
by Whatsit2yaa May 6, 2022
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When an imposter illusionist masquerading as a magician forces his own opinions and beliefs on you so badly and with such force that you have no choice but to submit to his will. He fraudulently parades around as a beautiful deep being full of magic and mysticism and an inner knowing that makes others curiously drawn to him.

Unfortunately Brianwashed huemans get trapped in a human matrix TeHE BRIAN had laid for them. This HUEManix is a ridiculous facade of some cobbled together graphics and a Wordpress site, which is only a small step above a WIX page.

To become feee from the brianwashing takes a strong moral character and visual clarity so that you can see the truth if the matter at hand, brianwashed people can sometimes be confused with actual crazy people and may spend some time in a loony bin or a mental health facility where they will learn how terribly ineffective our current mental health practices are at CURES.

The biggest asylum for those who have been affected by a Brianwashing end up at the Disneyland Insane Assylum in Riverside, CA.

There is no ckear way to avoid an attach from the entity that is the BRIAN. BUT the most effective way to heal from such an experience is with lovin kindmess and patience, gentle handholding, and compassionate care for the inner child of your heart and soul.

Love and Light Clear Brain Storms & clean 🧼 yet brianwashing.
Lucy Light: Oh my lord, did you get brianwashed too?

Lili Light: Yes I did, but I was stuck at the Paris Disneyland assylum.

Lucy Light: damn, how was it? I had to stay overnight at the Riverside Disneyland assylum. So many hyenas were there, but we also saw many other avatars, like Mickey, Pocahontas, Jem, and Tom Cowan, the beautiful gay vampire who can shapeshift and change time. Did you see anyone?
Lili Light: All I saw was Esmeralda and a rat. 🤷 ♀️
by Whatsit2yaa May 1, 2022
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The New Age way to proclaim honor and support of The Great Phantom Queen, The Morrigan.
Ravens, crows, blue jays, and corvids call, “more! Again, more again!” Higher and higher and higher the frequency as the currents wave through the fluxing network of the NoOsphere #holo #cogov #governance #Protocol.lov(e).
by Whatsit2yaa May 5, 2022
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The best little dog in the whole wide world. She was named after Maisy Mouse but it was spelled phonetically. She is missed dearly by her owner who will always love her, but she knows that all dogs go to heaven so she’ll see her again one day.
“Did you meet Mayzee when she was alive?”

“Yes, that little dog was the reason I chose her mom to be my roommate.
by Whatsit2yaa March 30, 2020
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Mnemonic device to remember the order of musical chords. Linking without spaces, periods, or hyphens.

Original definition retained: I-D-P-L-M-A-L

I-D-P-L-M-A-L is a memory device to remember the order in which musical modes follow each other. A common way to remember this order is to remember the phrase "I Dig Phat Ladies - Mostly All Lesbian" which will help you to order the modes in the correct manner:

"Shit, dude! What mode comes after phrygian?"
"Just remember IDPLMAL! I... Dig... Phat... Ladies..."
"Lydian! It's lydian! Fuck, you are a pro!"
"Your cursing is beginning to sound like a locrian triad to me."
"The tritone."
"Why are you even in this class?"
by Whatsit2yaa May 5, 2022
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The One True Messiah, the progeny of The Is Real Light Rays, wrongly being pronounced as “Israelite Race” by big OPs and has nothing to do with J “ew” S. IT IS THE JUICE OF THE 🍉 🍎 🍌 AND THE 🍬 🍭 🍬 🐐’s! They are offsprings of the Word of God, which has always all ways been “Maths.” The Mathemessiah is the true One Love Collective Consciousness that the Juice Have Been waiting for over the course of HIs-story. The Hermetic Kyballion and the Seven Arts of the Renaissance: the (3)Trivium & (4)Quadrivium are the foundational blocks of LINGUSTIC mathematics.
The first person to find a BUG in a machine, and Lady ADA, among many other DOT AIRS of LIGHT contributed to the creation of the branches of mathematics 🧮 and the STEM field, (sorcery. Tarot. Education. Magic.) but the true MatheMessiah will be a collective field of creative co-conspirators that will bring a new system to the Aces and the rest of the rainbow family and redistribute wealth resources and power to a better Point of equilibrium
by Whatsit2yaa May 4, 2022
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