9 definitions by Violetly N

The coming of shitty times, the primary sign of which is hipster.
This place is full of hipsters...damn three guys with man buns. The acrapolypse is fully upon us.
by Violetly N August 5, 2015
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Handsome male with good body but a weird/short/ugly dick...
I finally went out with that hot footballer. Great body but his dick is 3 inches long and there's a mole that looks like an eye... He's a total butterdick.
by Violetly N April 4, 2018
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Entering a national park in the Northern Territory with the intent of camping so you can having messed up, perverted sex in order to traumatise the wildlife.
...me and the missus got on the piss with an old guy from the nursing home down the road and some trucker she met last week. We went Camping In Catherine and she bent us all over a log and pegged all of us over a log next to a lagoon. six bin chickens that were watching fed themselves to crocodiles on purpose...
by Violetly N October 25, 2023
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A never ending string of annoying and pointless texts sent by someone having a bitch fest that you have no interest in.
My mother is relentlessly nagging me via a textcade!
by Violetly N September 5, 2008
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A needlessly provacative text message sent just to start an argument. This heinous act usually committed by someone in a foul mood who just wants you to join them there.
Mandy is message bombing me, accusing me of sleeping with her boyfriend. Bitch is in nuts!
by Violetly N September 5, 2008
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A tattoo, above, below or around your navel. Like a Vag Badge but higher up and kind of related to a tramp stamp.
Damn, you are rocking that navel label and the belly ring just sets it off.
by Violetly N October 15, 2012
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1. To assimilate.
2. To incorporate something into oneself.
3. To complain.
Have you mogenated your breakfast yet?
by Violetly N April 2, 2008
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