2 definitions by Urban Dicktionary!!!!!!!!

I won't lie to you. 99.9 percent of mainstream rap DOES suck. And coming from a rap fan, that's saying something. It's people like 50 Cent who are promoting stereotypes of rap-talkin' all that shit about hoes, money, drugs and takin' people to the candy shop. They're ruining a great music genre.
Mainstream rap sucks, but you can always listen to Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West or Mos Def.
by Urban Dicktionary!!!!!!!! September 14, 2006
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A very, very luscious and attractive woman. Named after one of Outkast's greatest songs known to man. They invented this word. So toss yo hat up to them.
Yes...when I first met my spottieottiedopaliscious angel, I can remember that damn thang like yesterday.
by Urban Dicktionary!!!!!!!! September 15, 2006
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