60 definitions by Tommy Wommy Womsters

What people too lazy to type four letters type when they speak on AIM.
OMG then he wuz liek "Ur so fagit!!!1"
by Tommy Wommy Womsters October 18, 2003
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That rapscallion assaulted me in the alleyway and attempted to throttle me! Arrest that slumgullion!
by Tommy Wommy Womsters August 26, 2003
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A cheap high; often discovered in middle school.
Boy 1 - "Hey, Sherman, what's wrong with you?"
Boy 2 - "GGNGnggNNGGO! GLU! GLU! URgggRRGGgg..." *passes out*
by Tommy Wommy Womsters September 16, 2003
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A unit of currency, typically the U.S. dollar, roughly comparable to the contemporary slangy use of "ducats." Often used when the amount of money in question is significant.
Tickets to that football game are pricey stuff...you'll be out at least six hundred and twelve point twelve Splidoons, buckaroo.
by Tommy Wommy Womsters September 28, 2012
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1) a vagina.
2) sustenance in the form of beer.
1) wow, i'm hungry. let me eat your food.
2) wow, i'm thirsty. i think i need some food.
by Tommy Wommy Womsters May 15, 2003
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