1015 definitions by The Original Agahnim

What human behavior has morphed into since spring 2020, where people that have gotten vaccines and wear masks (and done everything else they are told to because they are told that they have no right to do anything else without losing everything) are told by their leaders (whom they never question) that people that have not gotten vaccines or are not wearing masks are their enemies and that they think they are special.
Cultlike behavior has become what some of the cult leaders would call "the new normal" even though there never really was an old normal to reference. If someone wasn't dysfunctional rather than normal before, there are those of us that won't trust them now any more than we did before the pandemic. That kid that shot up his school was normal, it's the normal ones you gotta watch.
by The Original Agahnim December 17, 2021
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A guard doesn't change because someone is desperate to get themselves let in.
It was never going to be her shack and it was never going to be her guard, because there was no such thing as her going back in time and being originally from the city she was trying to claim as her own. She didn't even hold her own town sacred, but her town was her business. Nobody from the other town was changing the guard to her, giving her the key to anything, or letting her take theirs, as some people did hold their town sacred.
by The Original Agahnim July 30, 2021
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Some people say they beat a case in court. There is no such thing as going to court and beating a case, you're still going to lose money every time you enter a courtroom even if the DA/prosecuting team isn't guaranteed a conviction to go on your record, if you haven't already served at least a few weeks in jail for a charge you didn't get convicted of. As long as the machine/system is what you're fighting, what you call a win or beating a case is really just breaking even by not losing everything, and you're always going to lose at least some of your money to part of the machine/system, no matter what. Though that would discourage a lot of people, it doesn't mean that no fight is worth fighting, even if there is no winning in the end.
Machiavellian Victory is a struggle with a Machiavellian force (a Machiavellian prince or princess, a part of the machine) where you don't lose everything for once.
by The Original Agahnim May 28, 2021
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Something that seems like a win for everybody involved that doesn't lose everything, though they're often not actually getting/keeping everything, and are actually slowly losing little by little over a long period of time.
People thought it was a Machiavellian victory when a few houses in their neighborhood were burned down or gentrified, then a few more houses and neighbors were lost, and lost everything in the process, then a few more, until finally there was nothing left of what was once their neighborhood. The machine, and the people that were part of the machine took it from them, and they let it slip away from them without ever wak8ng up to fight for it.
by The Original Agahnim May 28, 2021
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A win for everybody that was never really a win for anybody, since at least one person, if not everybody, lost something to the machine/system, or someone that was part of the machine/system. Disney was/is a master of Machiavellian principles, since people feel like they gain something by waiting in a line at Disneyland/Disney World for 45 minutes of their time instead of an hour of their time. Really it's Disney that gains from this, since people think Disney has a real concern for their families, and not for the Disney reputation and lost dollar signs that would come with any damage to the Disney reputation.
It would be a Machiavellian Victory if one of the two buildings was demolished, or if 4 or 5 of your 10 neighbors homes burned to the ground and yours didn't, you feel like you kept or even gained something by not losing everything, but half of your neighborhood is lost forever and half your neighbors lost everything. So, a Machiavellian victory is when people feel like everybody won because they didn't lose everything, when really just one person or entity actually gained/benefitted from what actually hzppened. Really most wars have casualties, so they are Machiavellian victories if your country doesn't lose a war, since somebody somewhere still lost a family member. Life is a matter of what you lose and not what you win or gain.
by The Original Agahnim May 28, 2021
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What a cop would be if he got as authoritative and hostile with a female as he routinely does with males. Males are conditioned to accept authoritative behavior and hostility from both sexes from about the time they are born, while females are taught that they are human and don't have to put up with anyone's shit (but that it's okay if other people put up with theirs).
A cop wouldn't have to kill a female to become an ex cop or go to prison over an interaction with a female civilian, all he would have to do is get as authoritative and hostile with her as he did with male civilians on a regular basis. Female lives must be worth a lot more than male lives, male lives must be junk and female lives must be critical.
by The Original Agahnim December 21, 2021
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The strange one that walks around the public square in camolflage pants amongst otherwise happy and peaceful people, barkibg at them from a dark and obscured by plain sight kind of place. Often has a nickname like Zeus the Almighty or Hera the Almighty.
Not even the parrot lady or Santa Claus could catch a break this holiday season, they both got dragged from the public square and locked up. She might have somebody shot for saying that (or even get her own hands dirty this time, since action and danger seem to be what she craves as much as attention or money/power).
by The Original Agahnim December 17, 2021
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