10 definitions by Tee Hi

A longer version of got me bent, with the addition of "twisted" to signify that the listener is both astonished AND irritated.
"Hey, why don't you buy me them new Jordan's?"

"What?! You got me bent AND twisted!"
by Tee Hi December 15, 2008
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The audible version of "hallucinate", to imagine that you heard something.
"Did you just ask me a question, or did I hearlucinate?"
by Tee Hi March 18, 2021
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A preposition that illiterate fools use when they should be using "have" following certain verbs.
"She should of worn heels with that 'fit."
"He could of got that while he was up."
"I would of if I could of."
by Tee Hi February 17, 2018
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The liquid version of starvation; a state in which one is so thirsty, they think they will die from it.
"Man, if I don't get something to drink soon, I'm gonna die of thirstation!
by Tee Hi March 18, 2021
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A paralyzing fear of typewriters and keyboards
I can't send an email because of my QWERTYphobia. I'll send snail mail instead.
by Tee Hi February 17, 2018
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I sleep late, so when I get up at 11:45, I greet my man with "Good mornoon."
by Tee Hi February 18, 2021
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The month, usually somewhere between February and May, wherein a tax-payer gets a much-needed refund and that's all that month means to that person.
My fave month is Refunduary, cuz I need that money!
by Tee Hi January 28, 2013
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