64 definitions by Tara

What is a B I T C H..........
B= beatiful
I= individual
T= that
C= causes
H= hardons
by Tara March 18, 2005
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used to describe a perfect person, like a wax statue. someone who is an all rounder, good looking, good personality, the works..
"see that guy, he's a wax"
"sam is such a wax"
by Tara March 20, 2005
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One who follows and understands the workings of JRR Tolkien's trilogy The Lord of the Rings.
She has duplicates of Gandalf's robes, shes such a Tolkienian.
by Tara March 1, 2005
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Usually pertaining to something having to do with a woosh of some sort. Like when a super hero flies or something they might have "Woosh" written behind them. Those little lines that say "Woosh" are the wooshness.
The vortex had a certain wooshness to it.


^ That is the wooshness of the marhsmellow ^_^
by Tara November 24, 2003
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We were chillin in the hizzy neighzy last night with all the crackheads
by Tara December 7, 2004
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The smelly, wet shit you do after a big night boozing up.. especially after rum.
'man, i wouldnt go there, he just did a massive grog bog'
by Tara February 22, 2004
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