56 definitions by Snow Pea - Digit El Poal S.Sa

To outline or draw the skeleton of a concept highlighting the major focus areas thereby for laying the principles for another to continue work on the concept.
To build the ideas of a contraption in basic engineering and lay the foundation or bedrock of rudimentary principles to define a concept for others to work on later is contreptiv work.
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Emoticon images used by health care for patients to circle their emotions for community motif plan.
The doctor disseminates emotimotif list to nurses for patients to simply select their emotional state.
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When the only thing you've ever shot is a puck.

The perspective of a team mate.

Perspective of an ice hockey star that played in the Olympics.
Horst Powers' eispective helped him overcome loss because he can always celebrate past victories in another 4 years at the next Olympic Winter Games.
by Snow Pea - Digit El Poal S.Sa September 28, 2016
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To constructively refrain from a new activity that has not yet been documented.
When Joe schemes heists he mind chalks multiple homicide victims to leave a message that he means business. Joe should confrain from his illicit activities however the prize is worth the planning.
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The amount of song file plays denoted in the explorer window column titled "#." Instances of song plays on a computer.
While selecting tracks for his upcoming dj gig, the artist selected tracks that had over 5 playlist replinstances, as the songs with the most instances of playtime were the most popular tracks listened to from the most recent purchase and subsequent download of Beatport minimal techno tracks.
by Snow Pea - Digit El Poal S.Sa September 16, 2016
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An airline route.
When the continents figure out a global currency.
When there exist no borders around countries.
When people are free to emigrate & work after upgrading to a standardized system of industry practice & training.
The transcontinental singer was on tour around the globe in 25 different countries.
by Snow Pea - Digit El Poal S.Sa October 23, 2016
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