78 definitions by Shannon

National weed day.
To go smoke weed
Refering to weed, pot,
1. It's 4(april) 20(day).
2. Let's go smoke some 420.
3. Did you hit that 420.
by Shannon January 30, 2004
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Only the greatest southern rock song ever written, by the greatest band ever created, Lynyrd Skynyrd. Yes, you might be a hick if you like this song. If you aren't a redneck, you might be an urban West Virginian.
:At a Skynyrd concert:

guy: Wow, I love this song! Freebird.

girl: So where ya from?

guy: West Virginia.
by Shannon February 6, 2005
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a medal received in the military that is handed out like 800mg Ibuprofen is in the military, which anyone in the military knows is given for all ailments including cancer, its a shame too because some people actually deserve this medal versus the people who were waiting to go to battle and received a splinter in their finger and kissed a lot of higher ranking ass and were put in for these medals through chain of command such as ,er, John KerryPeanut Fucker, oh i'm sorry did i really just say that?I deserve my medals so much that I just had to throw them away, Im so proud of me and my country that i'm going too picket and protest the war cause i'm so smart!
John Kerry is a undeserving, disrespectful, piece of crap who somehow weaseled his way into saying he has three purple hearts, that he threw away and then later retrieved on e-bay,oh and i almost forgot a very unfortunate frankensteinish looking man!
by Shannon September 10, 2004
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a pessimist is a realist - an optimist is largely unrealistic
when things are going wrong, a pessimist says what everyone else is thinking
by Shannon January 8, 2004
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I needed some more cunt corks,so I went to Walgreens.
by Shannon January 20, 2004
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A person with an oddly shaped head, who is just creepy looking in general and appears to look as if he could only get laid by a peanut in his ass!
Dude, check out that peanut fucker over there, I bet he has a peanut in his ass now!
by Shannon September 10, 2004
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what all Kerry supporters are in and what Kerry himself is in, because he knows and i know and everyone else knows he didn't deserve these medals.another good definition is false hope.
If Kerry sincerely thinks he deserves any of the three supposed purple hearts he received, he is in serious denial!No one has yet too see the orders that were put in for all three of these medals.
by Shannon September 10, 2004
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