1 definition by Sergeant Matt

Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Manowar. Metal that holds true to the intents of the Metal Gods, music that Ormagoden would enjoy. Music that takes true talent to make and time to write, not whiny-ass emo bullshit like A Day to Remember or Bullet For My Valentine. Music that makes the eardrums of the unrighteous bleed and the faces of the weak melt. It is about individuality, freedom, and sheer bone-crushing power. True Metal is music in it's greatest form, human creativity taken to its peak. True Metal is loud, strong, and beautiful. In many cases, it is characterized by an endless battle between the voice of the singer and the screams of lead guitar. It stands opposed by false metal, weak music more concerned with record sales than musicianship, and popular music, at the current time rap and wimpy ass pop music. The battle rages, but as always, metal will prevail. Metal defeated disco, glam, punk, and it will triumph again.
John: My favorite bands are Korn and Avenged Sevenfold.
Thor: WHAT?! Those aren't true metal! Listen to some Dio!
John: Dio sucks.
Thor: *smites John with his mighty hammer*
by Sergeant Matt June 8, 2010
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