53 definitions by Sarah Lambert

The doo-doo shoot consists of the lower part of your colon and your butt hole. Its the trail your poop goes down prior to exiting the butt hole.
"My doctor reccomended colonic irrigation and then I wondered just how dirty my doo-doo shoot really is."
by Sarah Lambert February 29, 2008
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A)To take a shit.

B)When you have to poop and you post up on the shitter.
A)Man, I really have to post up, I need to find a bathroom soon.

B)Every morning my boyfriend posts up with his PSP for a good 30 minutes.
by Sarah Lambert March 3, 2008
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When you yank on somebody's wallet chain and yell 'CHAIN CHECK'

This ensures that their wallet chain is in good condition and properly doing its job.

Circa 1997 (my 8th grade year, back when me and my little friends wore wallet chains)
I chain checked him and his shitty ass wallet chain straight broke off his beltloop!
by Sarah Lambert March 7, 2008
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When you punch someone in the taint. Same suprising/painful effect as the shocker only minus the penetration factor.
"I had to get him back for fucking with my nuts somehow, so I gave him the fingerless shocker!"
by Sarah Lambert February 27, 2008
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A magic dump is one that makes you feel alot better. Say for example you have an awful tummy ache and then you poop and it goes away, you just took a magic dump.
My stomach cramps were so awful I thought I was going to die til I took that magic dump.
by Sarah Lambert March 3, 2008
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Slang for marijuana.
Developed by Teresa and myself, way back in the day when we were freshman in high school (1998).
We're going to the beach tomorrow, so don't forget to pack the clown beef and some papers.
by Sarah Lambert March 3, 2008
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1.)What a shim has in place of genitalia.

2.)Also can be used as an insult.
1.)Tim and Mark are total shims, I bet they sit around and play with each others' shim holes all day!

2.)I kicked him out of my house because he was being a total shim hole.
by Sarah Lambert March 4, 2008
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